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The Highway Code – latest changes

22nd October 2021

There have been some changes to The Highway Code this year, so here we share the latest update that was published in September 2021. Make sure you’re up to date before you hit the road, to be safe and avoid fines.

Updated Rule 91

You must ensure to get sufficient sleep before long journeys. Emergency areas and hard shoulders on motorways should not be used for rest breaks due to sleepiness, or for stopping or parking, except in an emergency (Rule 240).

When you are travelling on motorways the appropriate places to take a break are service areas and other rest and refreshment facilities (rule 262).

Updated Rule 97

You must have a valid licence and insurance, and your vehicle must be legal and roadworthy. Basic vehicle maintenance and safety checks should be carried out before setting off.

Furthermore, you should have sufficient vehicle fuel or charge for each planned journey. It is recommended to take charged mobile telephone, which has emergency numbers as well as high visibility clothing for emergency use.

Updated Rule 98

When towing, reduced speed limits may apply. It also may take longer to build up speed when towing.

Trailers must be in a roadworthy condition and to be fitted with a secondary coupling device (required by law). Vehicles which are towing should not be using the outside lanes on motorways.

You may also need to use towing mirrors when towing.

Updated Rule 126

Dangerous and careless driving offences, such as tailgating, are enforced by the police. Also, safe distances between vehicles on icy roads should be ten times greater.

Updated Rule 138

The rule 138 was updated to ensure drivers understand that the rule for overtaking also applies to dual carriageways with more than three lanes.

Updated Rule 253

If you are a holder of provisional car licence, you must not drive on the motorway, unless you are accompanied by an approved driving instructor, and the vehicle has red L plates (or D plates in Wales) displayed with dual controls.

Updated Rule 257

This rule was updated to include an image and ensure that drivers understand that amber flashing lights indicate that there’s a hazard ahead. You should thereof reduce speed and be prepared for the hazard. You can increase the speed once you pass a signal that is not flashing, or a sign displaying a national speed limit, or the word ‘END’, and only when you are sure it’s safe to do so.

Updated Rule 258

The display of red flashing light signals and a red ‘X’ on a sign identify a closed lane in which people, stopped vehicles and other hazards may be present.

You must follow the instructions in advance of a closed line and move safety to an open lane, and must not drive in closed lanes. You should be aware that closed lanes are used by emergency services and traffic authorities to reach incidents and help people in need. Also, if the left lane is closed at an exit slip road, the exit cannot be used.

Where red flashing light signals and closure of all lanes are shown on a sign, the road is closed, and you must not go beyond the sign in any line or use the hard shoulder to avoid the road closure (unless instructed to do so by a police/traffic officer).

Updated Rule 261

You must not exceed the speed limit displayed on a sign, as well as the maximum speed limit of your vehicle and the road type.

Updated Rule 263

You must not reverse along any part of a motorway, including slip roads, hard shoulders and emergency areas.

Updated Rule 264

You should drive in the left lane unless overtaking, and should return to the left lane as soon as it’s safe to do so.

If driving in the left lane, you should move over (if safe to do so), when approaching people and vehicles stopped on the hard shoulder or in an emergency area, to create more space for the people and stopped vehicles.

Updated Rule 266

You must not use the hard shoulder, except in an emergency or if instructed to do so by a police/traffic officer or a traffic sign.

The hard shoulder can become an extra lane during periods of congestion on some motorways. If this is the case, there will be signs to inform you to do so. When a speed limit is displayed, the hard shoulder can be used as an extra lane. In this situation, emergency areas exist for use in the event of an emergency.

NEW Rule 270

You must only use emergency areas for emergency use only. Emergency areas are located along motorways without hard shoulders or where the hard shoulder is used some of the time as an extra lane.

Updated Rule 271

You must not stop on any carriageway, emergency area, hard shoulder, slip road, central reservation or verge except in an emergency, or when told to do so by the police, traffic officers, an emergency sign or by red flashing light signals.

You must not stop on any part of a motorway to receive or make phone calls, except in an emergency.

NEW Rule 275

In the event of a breakdown or incident, the safest place you should stop is location designed for parking, or service area if you are driving on the motorway or other high-speed road. Other places of relative safety on motorways and other high-speed roads include lay-byes, emergency areas and hard shoulders.

Updated Rule 277

You should follow the steps ‘get left; get safe and get help’ if your vehicle develops a problem. You should remain aware of other traffic whilst staying away from their vehicle.

Updated Rule 279

You must switch on hazard warning lights to warn other motorists of a stopped vehicle.

You should keep seatbelts on when staying in a broken-down vehicle.

Emergency services: some vehicles have SOS button for contacting the emergency service, as an alternative to calling 999. Drivers who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired can use the emergency SMS service.

Updated Rule 280

You must not attempt to remove obstruction or retrieve items that fall from a vehicle on motorways, instead you should stop in a safe place and contact the emergency services.

Updated Rule 281

Warning signs or flashing lights indicate that there may be people working on the road. This can include emergency services, traffic officers and recovery workers.

Updated Rule 282

Whilst passing near an incident you should remain alert for hazards and not slow down unnecessarily.

Updated Rule 283

If you stop to provide assistance, you should stop at a safe place to avoid putting yourself or others in danger. An exchange of details may be needed in accordance with rule 286.

Updated Rule 286

If you are involved in collision, you should stop in a place of relative safety.

Updated Rule 288

You should leave extra space before a vehicle that is displaying amber flashing lights.

Vehicles displaying amber flashing lights are likely to slow down and turn into a works area.

Updated Rule 289

Where large ‘Keep Left’ or ’Keep Right’ signs are displayed on a works vehicle, you must move over to the next lane and pass the works vehicle on the side indicated and must not return to the closed lane until it is safe to do so.
Works  vehicles displaying the sign, ‘convoy vehicle no overtaking’, must not be overtaken.

Updated Rule 290

Lanes in road works may be narrower than normal and will be marked by studs or temporary road markings. It is important to keep a good distance from the vehicle in front to be able to clearly see the edges of the lane ahead to avoid possible hazards.

There may be areas of adverse camber, at the start and finish of contraflow systems in road works. Therefore, you should slow down and leave extra space when these areas are signed.

We strongly recommend you to read the full Updates: Highway Code 2021 (Opens in new window)  document for more details and information. Many of the rules are legal requirements,disobeying these rules is a criminal offence.