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P11d Calculator

The information displayed on this page reflects KINTO’s understanding of applicable tax law and practice as of the publication date. However, it is not a comprehensive or definitive guide, and users should be aware that UK tax law changes frequently. Your tax liability for any car benefit depends on your personal circumstances.​

Any information or conclusions that are displayed through this calculator and on this page are provided on the understanding that KINTO UK Limited is not offering legal or professional services or advice. The content displayed does not constitute tax or any other advice, and users are advised to seek professional advice before taking any action, or refraining from action, based on this information.​

We have made every effort to ensure the information displayed on this page is accurate. Nevertheless, KINTO UK Limited cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any actions taken or not taken by any person or company in reliance, partially or wholly, on the content or information displayed through this page.​