Safety first – If you get involve in a road traffic accident, make sure you stop your vehicle as soon as possible at a safe location and check yourself and other passengers for injuries. If anyone is hurt, call an ambulance (if you are in an EU country, call 112 to contact the emergency services).
Call the police – If no one is injured call the police first. Make notes of everything that has happened and take pictures, obtain the full details of the other driver as well as the contact details of any witnesses.
You should get a copy of the police report or a reference number.
*If you drive in Europe, you may be provided with an European Accident Statement (EAS). It is usually given by your insurer and is to be filled in by the drivers involved in the accident – to outline the details which are still fresh in mind. You and the other driver should receive a copy, but don’t sign the document if you disagree with the statements used to describe the accident.
Inform your insurer – you should get in touch with your insurance provider as soon as possible to let them know about the accident and provide the necessary details. What would happen next depends on your insurance cover e.g. the level of insurance cover you have, or whether your vehicle is rental.